ETT installation Benefits:
- Maintenance of airway
- Ensure the provision of oxygen
- Prevent aspiration
- Facilitate the exploitation of mucus or sputum in the trachea.
- Driveway is some kind of resuscitation medicine.
1. Preparation Equipment:
- - Laryngoscope with blades in accordance with needs
- - Margil forceps to help insert pipe ETT
- - Mandrain or stylet for ETT curvature memanipulsi
- - ETT as needed psien
- - Cylocain jelly
- - Cylocain spray
- - Cup kidney and duk (sterile)
- - Gloves
- - Drugs in preparation for intubation include sedation (Diprivan, dormicum, relaxan, MO, norcuron)
- - Cuff inflator
- - Spuit 20 ml
- - Gudel or mayo tube
- - Stethoscope
- - Suction Catheter
- - Set suction
- - Ambubag + lid
- - Hipafix
- - Scissors
- - Suction wall
- - Thin Pillow
2. Implementation
- a) Inform and explain (if the patient is conscious) actions to be performed on patients and families
- b) Prepare a letter of approval actions to be signed
- c) Nurses wash their hands and wear gloves
- d) Check kepatenan ETT cuff with 20 ml syringe
- e) Put down the sterile cup placed thereon and then apply a sterile kidney Xilocain jelly on the surface of the ETT tip and put mandarin and forcep margil already didesinfektan with alcohol
- f) Check and adjust the central suction pressure between 100-200 mmHg and plug it into a sterile suction catheter.
- g) Clean the airway mucus by suction (if necessary use mayo)
- h) Set the position of the patient in a supine position, head ekstensikan
- i) Assist appropriate action intuasi SPO (including the provision of sedation according to doctor's instructions)
- j) If successful banging then auscultation in the epigastrium, right and left chest (up-down)
- k) If the entry is correct ETT position recharge cuff with syringe
- l) ETT fixation with plaster, hipafix according to the depth limit
- m) Connect the ETT with oxygen / ventilator required
- n) Note the patient's general condition, during and after the act of intubation
- o) Measure pressure cuff with cuff pressure (20-30 mmHg)
- p) Take the culture if necessary
- q) Tidy tool
- r) Contact officer for inspection photos radiology thorax
Complications of intubation Actions
- Injury to the lips and tongue due to pinched laryngoscope
- Tooth fracture
- laceration of the pharynx and trachea due Stilets / mandarin and ETT tip
- Damage to vocal cords
- Vomiting and aspiration
- The liberation of adrenaline and noradrenaline intubation due to stimulation resulting in hypertension, and arrhythmias tachikardi
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